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With our excellent system integrity procedures and right-of-way program, White River Valley Electric Cooperative excels at delivering reliable power to our membership.

Energy Mix

Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. (AECI), our local power provider, uses the lowest-cost generation resources first to serve member electric requirements. This generation portfolio includes hydropower, coal, wind and natural gas. They also look for market opportunities to purchase power from other utilities in those instances when it is cheaper to buy the power than to generate it. This diversity enables the wholesale supply to adjust as needed to make sure members are served with low-cost, reliable generation regardless of changing conditions. It also provides us with an increasingly clean energy supply. Our transmission cooperatives, KAMO Power and ShoMe Power, then transmit that energy to us to distribute to our members – meeting members needs 100% of the time. This process defines our three-tiered system to provide the most reliable service at the best price. See more information on the benefits of the wholesale power contract with our providers, here.


2% of 2024’s power mixed was purchased energy.