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Photo of Chris Hamon speaking

CEO Corner

A Guide to Lessons Learned

Growing up in the Ozarks, I have learned many things. I’ve learned the value of hard work and self-reliance. It’s here that I developed a deep connection to nature and the beauty of the area’s lakes, rivers, hills, and hollers. The small-town values of community and family are ingrained in me and have shaped me into the person I am today. I am thankful for the area and the people who raised me and gave me an appreciation for this place I call home.

You don’t have to call the Ozarks home for very long to know that its winters can be unpredictable. It is not uncommon to see the sun shining one day and the next day experience freezing temperatures. When temperatures get too high or too low, causing the electricity grid to experience a high demand, a peak alert gets issued asking members to conserve energy.

When White River Valley Electric Cooperative issues a peak alert we’re notifying you, our member, that the electricity demand is expected to be high. This allows you to voluntarily reduce your energy use during these times, which can lead to lower overall electricity costs by preventing the price spikes that are associated with a peak demand on the grid. Essentially, by managing the energy you use during the peak hours, usually between 5 a.m. to 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., you can avoid paying higher rates for electricity during those periods. When many customers reduce their electricity usage during peak alerts, it helps to alleviate strain on the power grid and prevent potential blackouts.

When WRVEC issued a peak alert last January, we were thankful that members took the alert seriously. Your efforts resulted in 11 MW less usage than the highest peak during the previous winter. These measures resulted in a $1.46 million cost savings to members. By watching our load factor, everyone is a winner.

As we shift to the cold months, we encourage you to keep an eye on your usage. Simple things like unplugging electronics when not in use, turning down your thermostat a few degrees, turning off unnecessary lights, installing programmable thermostats, and avoiding running multiple large appliances at the same time, add up to costs savings. You can also track your energy use by utilizing SmartHub. This winter should a peak alert be issued, WRVEC will send out notifications through your email, on SmartHub, and our social media channels. Life has taught me that when we work together, in true Ozarks fashion, we can beat any peak Missouri weather blows our way.