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White River Electric Cooperative Annaul Meeting

Governance & Engagement

Cooperatives are owned and controlled by their members. Here are some ways you can get involved with WRVEC:

Make Your Voice Heard with MAP

WRVEC is making it easier than ever before for our members to have a voice. The Member Alliance Program offers a direct pipeline to the Cooperative’s Bylaws, Governance, and Engagement Committee. The committee was formed to evaluate best practices to continually improve the organization and help the Cooperative to better reach the membership. Comments and suggestions from the program will be reviewed each time the committee meets. Submissions are evaluated and implementation is considered in accordance of industry best practices, cooperative betterment, and the membership as a whole.

Submit your ideas today. Member engagement is the lifeblood of who we are!


Annual Meeting

Each year, we host an Annual Meeting of Members.  Join the board and staff to hear Cooperative updates, participate in important business matters, and receive election results of the year’s Board of Director candidates and proposed bylaw amendments.

Learn More

Action Committee for Rural Electrification

The Action Committee for Rural Electrification (ACRE) is the political action committee of the nation’s electric cooperatives. For over 40 years, ACRE has been working to support candidates for the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives who understand and support electric cooperatives and their member-owners. Through ACRE Co-op Owners for Political Action, White River Valley Electric members have the ability to strengthen this support and join over 36,000 ACRE members who form a strong grassroots network dedicated to the long-term success of the electric cooperative program. We hope that you will consider this program. Together we will continue to fight for a viable environment for electric cooperatives and the quality of life of the people and communities’ served. 

As a member of WRVEC, you are among 42 million Americans who can claim ownership in a not-for-profit consumer-controlled utility that provides electricity at cost. The ACRE Co-op Owners for Political Action program is an exciting opportunity for you to raise your voice and participate in the political process.