Applications & Forms
Becoming a member of White River Valley Electric Cooperative is easy. If you are located within the WRVEC coverage area, you can complete a membership application to begin the process of becoming a member and establishing new service.
A WRVEC Membership
A White River Valley Electric Cooperative membership means something more than just the right to buy electricity. We were founded on seven cooperative principles that give us guidance and strategic direction; Voluntary & Open Membership, Democratic Member Control, Member Economic Participation, Autonomy & Independence, Education/ Training & Information, Cooperation Among Cooperatives, and Concern for Community.
Membership also gives you rights as an owner of this co-op and WRVEC is connected to you. There is a business relationship that serves you (the member) and the co-op. Since co-ops are solely owned by people in the community, we have a mutual interest to ensure that both the co-op and the member do well and prosper.
As an owner of the co-op, you have a right to know how it operates and how decisions are made that directly impact you. When the co-op is transparent and combines this trait with integrity and fairness, it builds trust with the members. Research, education and training are critical functions that WRVEC must conduct on an ongoing basis to ensure that we always have the best information to make decisions.
The cooperative business model is the best one on earth. It is up to those who work at the co-op, who serve on the board, and the members like you to ensure that the principles and values do not fade over time. WRVEC strives to be thought of as a member-driven cooperative that gives you the best value of any utility; value above providing the safest, most reliable electricity.