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Candidate Profile: Joey Glenn

District C - Christian County

Joey Glenn*

Nixa, MO

*Nominating Committee’s top choice for 2024 Board of Director Candidate for this District

Brief Bio

I am a 6th generation family in Christian, Stone and Taney Counties. My grandfather Earl Bilyeu helped hookup the first White River Lines in Spokane in 1937: their farm was the fourth White River account. My grandfather, Robert Glenn, was the first family to have White River electric power in the Riverdale area of Christian County in 1939. My parents, Freman and Villa Ann (Bilyeu) Glenn were White River members for 55 years: my wife Joan and I have been members for 44 years. I say all of this to tell you WRVEC has been a big part of our family over generations.

Coops were a big part of my work life; I worked for MFA Coop for 22 years in management. Throughout my MFA experience, I learned how important the member relationships are. The board members must be willing to serve those people and not their own self-interest. I retired from Nixa Hardware after 22 years as General Manager.

My first three years on the WRE board has been a learning experience. For three years, I have served on both the finance and by-law committee, while attending CFC and NRECA, Show-Me, KAMO annual meetings and updates. I completed my CCD certification in basic governance knowledge, and three courses on my way to completing my board leadership certificate. I have attended all monthly meetings over the past three years. The major board decisions that have been made are: commitment to providing Broad Band to the 5 counties that WRV serves, building a new facility in Ozark, improving and expanding warehouse facilities, and receiving a 47 million dollar grant to help service the underserved areas for broadband. I am excited at the opportunity to serve another 3 years: always keeping the member’s interests at the forefront of everything we do.


Experience and Education

  • High School Diploma: Nixa High
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture Economics from Missouri State
  • Awards & Honors:
    • Summa Cum Laude
    • Ag Fraternity
  • Community & Board Experience:
    • 3 Years on White River Board
    • Chairman of the Deacons Riverdale Baptist Church
    • President of Board Glenn Cemetery
    • Music Ministry Director 35 years Riverdale Baptist



  • Joey has been a member of the Cooperative for 44 Years.
  • Joey is not employed by any enterprise that competes with WRVEC.
  • Joey is not related to anyone employed at the Cooperative.
  • Joey brings the expertise of Business Management, Finance, Accounting, Cooperative Experience, Communications and Marketing to this role.
  • Joey has not received any campaign contributions.



Explain the Cooperative Difference

The CoOps are owned by the people who do business with them. Self-Help, Responsibility, Democracy, Equality, and Solidarity are our values. Every member has both economic and a democratic responsibility. Returning patronage rebates are the CoOps way to equitably return a portion of profit to our owners.

What are three critical issues you believe the Cooperative should focus on in the next few years?

Completing the broadband service to our 5 county area
Dealing with the increase in electrical cost to our members
Controlling Expenses

What interests you most about serving on the board of directors?

CoOps are a grass root type organization in which every member, through the board of directors, can have some say in the decisions being made. This is unlike any other type of business. I believe this is extremely important in today’s business climate.

Are you familiar with the elements of the cooperative business model? Please share what you know about the model at this time:

Yes CoOps are voluntary and open to all persons. They are a democratic organization controlled by the members. Members contribute equitably to and democratically control the capital of their CoOp. CoOps are autonomous, self-help organizations and provide education and training to their members. They cooperate with other CoOps.

What knowledge and expertise would you bring to White River’s Board and the members?

25 combined years of CoOp experience in agricultural based CoOp in Southwest MO. Participated in board of director meetings with many local Ag CoOps. Expertise in Marketing and Communications with my retail experience.

What is most important to the members of your district?

Cost of Power and availability of high quality internet. Communications between CoOp and members

As a director, how would you promote the co-op in your community and district?

Encouraging members to be involved in all the educational materials that the CoOps provide. Asking questions and being a good listener, participating in their online annual meetings. Paying attention to White River’s social media presence and information.

What makes you the ideal candidate?

Concern for the community, work experience, board experience and training, and my family history in the area we serve.