Line Extension Policy
We are committed to exceeding members’ expectations. To accomplish this goal – we must continually evaluate our plant costs, or capital costs, for future expansion while continuing to ensure safe, reliable, and affordable service to our members. The line extension policy aids in maintaining the goal.
Line Extension Policy
How is the policy set?
We are committed to exceeding members’ expectations. To accomplish this goal – we must continually evaluate our plant costs, or capital costs, for future expansion while continuing to ensure safe, reliable, and affordable service to our members. The line extension policy aids in maintaining the goal.
What is changing?
The current policy was established in 2007 and no longer supports our expansion demands. The previous pricing model included a charge for linear feet, per pole, and/or per structure charges depending on the type of service. The revision will be consistent in all single and three-phase services. It will also reflect the linear foot model across the board. The revision took effect on March 1, 2020.
Turning a profit?
The policy is not meant to be a revenue generator nor does it cover 100 percent of costs. It is simply an aid to construction so that area growth doesn’t equate higher rates or that current members subsidize new services.
What is the goal/key takeaway?
Our due diligence will keep costs at a manageable level, and align us with neighboring utilities and others across the state. The new policy ensures that the Cooperative will recover investments within the depreciated costs, extends service to any unserved persons within our service territory, and continues to deliver electricity at an affordable rate.
Line Extension Rates*
Overhead Construction 0-100 Feet 0 101-1,000 Feet $2/Foot 1,001+ Feet $4/Foot Underground Construction 0-100 Feet 0 101-1,000 Feet $5/Foot 1,001+ Feet $10/Foot -
Overhead Construction 0-1,000 Feet $3/Foot 1,001+ Feet $5/Foot Underground Construction 0-1,000 Feet $6/Foot 1,001+ Feet $11/Foot -
Overhead Construction Any Extension Footage $10/Foot Underground Construction 0-1,000 Feet $15/Foot 1,001+ Feet $20/Foot Transformer Bank Cost Overhead $2,000 Pad mounts $2,500
*Any construction and/or pricing may be subject to board approval.