Keeping You Connected
At White River Valley Electric Cooperative, our mission is to provide members with safe, reliable, and affordable power - while enhancing the lives of those we serve.
News and Announcements
CEO Corner
A Season of renewal
Spring is a time of renewal. Soon, green will start taking over the area’s hills, hollers, and tree lines and will be painting a clear reminder of the beauty God gave us in the Ozarks. We are so lucky to get to call this place home.
Upcoming Events
Check out the latest edition of WRVEC's
Current Times
The Current Times provides an excellent means for communication between the cooperative and its members on all topics ranging from green energy such as solar power, to energy saving tips and incentives, to the basic business and financial aspects of the co-op.
White River Valley Electric Cooperative earns this award based on data modeled by the ACSI® in 2023. Award criteria are determined by the ACSI based on customers rating their satisfaction with White River Valley Electric Cooperative in a survey independent of the syndicated ACSI Energy Utility Study. For more about the ACSI, visit www.theacsi.org/badges. ACSI and its logo are registered trademarks of the American Customer Satisfaction Index LLC.